ITC MA Fashion Show 21 — Vessels

Vessels was the 2021 graduate show of the Master of Arts in Fashion and Textile Design programme at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, exhibiting a total of 144 graduate works from twenty-four collections. The main visual identity is a vessel that keeps shifting its form, with the design concept originating from a poem: 

I enter the vessel and my image changes. 

— Liam Blackford (excerpt from Vessels)

The main visual identity is rendered in three bright colours and offset printed on recyclable tracing paper for the exhibition brochure, which was distributed at the fashion show. It unfolds into a poster and reveals a vessel at the centre, allowing the viewer to vaguely see through the thin and translucent paper.
…When you see the vessel,

you can see through to me:

a window, a mirror;

a prism, an icon,

 I may show you my true self.

Will it last forever?

 — Liam Blackford (excerpt from Vessels)

The human form is a vessel of thoughts and consciousness, and so is fashion. Vessels implies each work of fashion is a vessel carrying its designer’s ingenious creativity. 

Visual Identity Design: Allan Fan, Poe Cheung
Client: Master of Arts in Fashion and Textile Design, PolyU

Visual Identity Design: Nous
Client: Master of Arts in Fashion and Textile Design, PolyU