E carpark

E carpark

E carpark

E carpark

E carpark redefines carparks by presenting the concept of ‘sports car museum and social contact’, inventing a new kind of leisure and social space. We designed its visual identity and environmental graphics, which includes wayfinding, wall and floor graphics. 

To create the illusion of infinite space, the logo signage placed at the top of the carpark’s entrance extends into the interior via continuous strips of LED lights. The signage simultaneously serves as a spatial marker and wayfinding illumination, guiding vehicles to their slots. 
To bring the dynamic driving experience from the road to a dark and enclosed space, the interior designers used numerous straight and curved lines to engineer a speeding sensation. Complementing the overall interior and lighting design, lines of different widths and densities are arranged in varied formations to indicate zoning and provide non-textual guidance. The environmental typography design echoes the linear design language. The garage’s four zones are distinguished by the placement and arrangement of graphic forms on the walls, floors and ceilings. Together, these design elements form an intuitive and intelligible wayfinding system.

Client: Oft Interiors

Visual Identity & Environmental Graphic Design: Allan Fan, Poe Cheung